A happy cat means a happy cat mom or cat dad, right?! Keeping our furry felines happy is the top priority for us cat lovers. No matter the personality type, if they are indoor or outdoor cats, rescues or purebred, all cats deserve to be genuinely happy. Making our kitties leap for joy on a regular basis is important but what does it mean to have a cat who is truly happy? Knowing what to look for in your cat when gauging their happiness is a key component to keeping them delighted. As we focus on happiness here, we are excited to reveal the top ways to keep our kitties healthy coming soon! Stay tuned right here. Check out our free Signs of a Happy Cat infographic to share with your fellow cat lovers!

Signs of a Happy Cat

  • Vocal cues such as purring and talking.
  • Being playful with you or other pets in the home. Bringing you toys or their hunt is also a particularly good thing, according to them.
  • Grooming remains a top priority for happy cats giving them a healthy appearance.
  • Having a good appetite and eating well at each meal.
  • Snuggles, kneading, “making biscuits”, Star Paws, rubbing against your legs, and napping in your lap are all loving signs they are pleased.
  • Sleeping socially with people and other pets in your home.
  • Resting or sleeping with their paws tucked under their body is a relaxed posture for cats.

Are you seeing these signs in your cat? Maybe you are noticing only a few, or none at all. No matter where your cat falls on the happiness scale there is always room for improvement when it comes to our precious fur babies. These 6 tips will not only promote daily happiness in your kitty cat’s life but will also give you, their trusted servant, peace of mind knowing your cat is living a truly fulfilled life.

1.      Spay and Neuter

Getting your cat spayed or neutered, even for those indoor-only kitties, is necessary. Have your cat “fixed” to help control the homeless cat population. You also avoid certain types of cancers in your kitty when you spay and neuter, such as breast cancer and testicular cancer, and even uterine infections decrease. Your cat will be less likely to escape/runaway as they will no longer go into heat after this procedure. Cats who have been spayed or neutered behave better overall than those who have not, which makes a happier and healthier kitty.

2.      Tree Time (indoors)

Cats were made to climb. We don’t always love it when they climb our beautiful furniture so we must give them ways to exercise that part of their natural instinct. Cat trees give your cat an excellent way to scratch the invisible itch to climb, plus it doubles as an actual scratch pole. These trees come in a variety of sizes and shapes and can accommodate multiple cats. When possible place your tower near a window so they can enjoy the view and happenings of the great outdoors while getting their climb on.

3 happy cats on cat tree

3.      Love & Play

Okay okay…if we must, right? Giving our cat love and positive attention is one of the simplest ways to keep your cat happy. Take time every day to play with them. Use toys that they can stalk, pounce and chase to really tucker them out. A tired cat is a happy cat. When you are not around, leave out safe toys for them to play with such as a cardboard box. Boy does this simple and free toy provide hours of entertainment for our feline friends! Switch up what you leave out every few days to keep it feeling fresh and new for your fur baby.

4.      Catio

Yes, you read that right, catio. By definition, a catio is a safe outdoor enclosure for housecats. You can really get creative on this one and gear your catio design towards the things your kitty cat loves the most. For example, if your cat favors climbing you can create multiple levels and platforms within their catio to climb to their heart’s content. Being in the fresh air, with natural sights and sounds that they are intuitively drawn to is the highest form of positive stimulation our furry friends can have. A catio offers your feline the most closely related experience to their natural habitat while keeping them safe. Don’t have one? Get one!

cat outdoor enclosure

5.      Pets in Pairs

Consider getting more than one cat. Most cats are quite social and benefit greatly when they are not the only cat in the house. When introduced properly adding a second cat to the household can be a wonderful experience for everyone. Having a companion to play with, snuggle with, and enjoy the day to day festivities alongside provides a feeling of fulfillment for them. If you are considering getting a cat or already have one why not make it two?

6.      Bird Viewing Station

Even well-fed domesticated cats have the natural attraction to small prey like birds. Indulge that attraction by creating a bird viewing station for them. Set up a birdfeeder or bird bath right outside the window of your choosing. Then sit back and relax while your ferocious kitty enjoys hours of tweety bird entertainment.

pet sitter petting kitty with white paw on leg

Increasing the happiness in your cat is simple. Get them spayed or neutered to set the tone for a happy life. Offer them your love, get creative with their window spaces and even the great outdoors. Consider a feline companion and always keep their natural instincts in mind when creating spaces for them. With these tips your cat’s happiness will be off the charts! Now that your cat will undoubtedly be living their happiest life stay tuned because you won’t want to miss our 5 Tips for a Healthy Cat.

Just Around the Corner offers daily Dog Walking , Dog Hiking, and Pet Sitting in Plymouth, MA. To learn more about how Just Around the Corner can help, check out our Services Page. You can also Contact Us for more information. Be sure to Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Instagram!




